Produced in collaboration with Elizabeth Ogilvie.
The project Meander is a homage and celebration of the River Tay, its meandering form and its significance for the City. In a stunning and dramatic transformation of this city centre façade, the work invites the public to explore and reflect on their magnificent river, as well as inspire them to reconsider their relationship to their surroundings and how they see the world. The work incorporates fluctuating abstract imagery inspired by the River Tay, providing a reflective and ever-changing spectacle.
For many years the Ogilvie & Page have drawn inspiration from Patrick Geddes, renowned thinker, environmentalist and planner, who, during his formative years lived on the Kinnoull hillside overlooking Perth. Throughout his life Geddes continued to develop his understanding of place, and Perth was the location where he began to formulate his ideas. Fundamental to his thinking was the relationship between cities and their regions ‘from snows to sea’. His ideas and concerns are widely recognised as having anticipated interest in environmentalism, sustainability and the arts.